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Ice on Pocket PC

I am a beginner in Ice programmation and I need you to understand and success in my project.
In fact, I have to use Ice on Pocket PC. The aim is to connect differents items to the pocket PC and they must exchange via pocket PC. Am I clearly ? I must used Ice and C#. To emulate the Pocket PC I used Visual Studio .Net.
The questions that I have to say you is :
How to use ICE with visual studio .net with an application for smart device ? Is it possible to use Ice on Pocket PC (I hope !!) ?
Thanks if you can help me.


  • marc
    marc Florida
    We are currently working on a Windows CE version for Ice for C++, and a J2ME version for Ice for Java. We do not have any plans for an embedded version for Ice for C#.

    If you have a commercial interest in these platforms and would like to discuss your special requirements, please contact us at
  • Thanks for your quick reply,
    I haven't any commercial ambitious. My purpose is actually to find how I can implemented a small application (client or server) in a Pocket PC.
    At the moment the application (which is the same than for the win32 appli : hello) compile, but there is a problem on the implementation of Pocket PC 's emulator.
    Is there anyone which have test or who can help me.
  • I would like to know if it's not possible to adapt the code programming in C++ or Java in C# ?
  • matthew
    matthew NL, Canada
    vydge wrote:
    I would like to know if it's not possible to adapt the code programming in C++ or Java in C# ?

    Sorry, I don't understand your question.

    Regards, Matthew
  • No, it wasn't good. I tried to find a solution to use Ice (with C#) on Pocket PC. Also I have tested an example of Ice and C# on Pocket PC but I obtain this error :
    c:\Stage\projet\visual_studio\testIce\bin\Debug\icecs.dll La clase 'Ice.Context' a la que se hace referencia tiene una clase base o una interfaz 'System.Collections.DictionaryBase' definida en un ensamblado al que no se hace referencia. Debe agregar una referencia al ensamblado 'mscorlib'.

    Indeed with the .Net Framework 's mscorlib the code compile but the emulation doesn't function. Normal.
    I would like to know if I can't add the interface System.Collections.DictionnaryBase to the Compact Framework 's mscorlib ?
  • benoit
    benoit Rennes, France
    I doubt you can add this class to the .NET Compact Framework and there will most likely be other things which are missing from the .NET Compact Framework that Ice for C# requires.

    Ice for C# is currently only supported with the .NET Framework. Creating an embedded version of Ice for C# that works with the .NET Compact framework is certainly possible but we don't have any plans for such a version at this time.

  • Ok thanks for your answers