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Generated Java Helper class has errors

I downloaded Ice-2.1.0-VC71.msi yesterday.
I'm trying to compile slice2java-generated code and getting compilation errors. The ice portion with the issue looks like this:

struct FieldDescriptor
string fieldId;
string selfDescribingObject;

// Query definition
struct FromClause
string db;
string table;
string schema;

enum RelationEnum { EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE };

class Filter
string fieldId;
RelationEnum relation;
string selfDescribingObject;

sequence<string> SelectClause;
sequence<Filter> WhereClause;

class QueryObj
SelectClause select;
FromClause from;
WhereClause where;

The file with the issue is
// **********************************************************************
// Copyright (c) 2003-2004 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
// ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
// **********************************************************************

// Ice version 2.0.0

package BloombergLP.fasbdma;

public final class WhereClauseHelper
public static void
write(IceInternal.BasicStream __os, Filter[] __v)
if(__v == null)
for(int __i = 0; __i < __v.length; __i++)

public static Filter[]
read(IceInternal.BasicStream __is)
Filter[] __v;
final int __len = __is.readSize();
__is.startSeq(__len, );
final String __type = Filter.ice_staticId();
__v = new Filter[__len];
for(int __i = 0; __i < __len; __i++)
__is.readObject(new IceInternal.SequencePatcher(__v, Filter.class, __type);
return __v;

Three errors:
1) in write(..): __os.writeObject(__v[__i); // missing end-bracket
2) in read(..): __is.startSeq(__len, ); // missing arg
3) in read(..): __is.readObject(new IceInternal.SequencePatcher(__v, Filter.class, __type); // missing end parentheses..

Please advise.


  • mes
    mes California
    // Ice version 2.0.0
    It appears that you have an older version of slice2java in your PATH. I translated your Slice definitions using slice2java from Ice 2.1.0 and the generated code compiles fine.

    Take care,
    - Mark
  • d'oh!