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Question on ThreadPool

I am reading ICE source code now. a question is here:
It seems class ThreadPool&EventHandler use Leader/Followers pattern. in method IceInternal::ThreadPool::run(), first check if any register/unregister event from pipe, then find a readable fd, read message, after message read complete, call handler's message(). promote will happened in message().
like following code fragement:

bool IceInternal::ThreadPool::run()
ret = ::select(_maxFd + 1, &fdSet, 0, 0, 0);
if(FD_ISSET(_fdIntrRead, &fdSet))
while(!FD_ISSET(_lastFd, &fdSet) && loops <= 1);


read(handler); // read message here.
handler->message(stream, self); // threadPool->promoteFollower(); in message()


My question is:
There's no Leader thread monitor event until current leader read a complete message. if reading is overtime, server can do nothing until timedout.

Am i right? anyone can help me?


  • marc
    marc Florida
    I'm sorry, but explaining Ice internals, such as how exactly the thread pool works internally, is out of the scope of the free support we can provide here on these forums.