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Problems when launch icegridnode inside init.d script

xdm La Coruña, Spain
Hi all i trying to launch icegridnode iside init.d scripts but when try to star a java service it not found the IceBox.Server

if i do the same inside a normal bash script it works fine

any ideas where the problem can be?

i try to define the CLASSPATH inside my scripts but results are the same, the java services can found IceBox.Server even when Ice.jar is in CLASSPATH

this is in a gentoo machine

and this is the init.d script
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/openssh/files/sshd.rc6,v 1.19 2006/02/28 00:09:52 vapier Exp $

depend() {
        use logger dns
        need net

start() {
        echo $CLASSPATH
        ebegin "Starting icegridnode"
        /opt/Ice-3.0.1/bin/icegridnode --Ice.Config=/home/pepone/hydra/etc/linux/config.titanio --daemon
        eend $?

stop() {
        ebegin "Stopping ${SVCNAME}"
        /opt/Ice-3.0.1/bin/icegridadmin --Ice.Default.Locator="IceGrid/Locator:tcp -h -p 14000" -e "node shutdown titanio"
        eend $?

reload() {
        ebegin "Reloading ${SVCNAME}"
        eend $?

Icegridnode start correctly with out errors but when i want star a java service the problem occurs

Thanks in advance


  • xdm
    xdm La Coruña, Spain
    Hi again

    i change this line

    to this
    export CLASSPATH="/opt/db/lib/db.jar:/opt/Ice-3.0.1/lib/Ice.jar:/opt/lucene/lucene.jar:/home/pepone/hydra/lib/"

    now is working :D