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help series

thank you for your last response.
so i'm always confused.
i excute the Printer.cpp file under VC++ IDE,but nothing is happened.
i configured my IDE as it s mensionned in the readme.txt of my ice-3.1.1 directory
expect that the problem :
c:\ice-3.1.1\include\iceutil\config.h(114) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open "
always persists.
include file: 'windows.h': No such file or directory
please can you give me more details.


  • You have asked the same question already in another posting. As Matthew wrote, this problem has nothing to do with Ice, but with your compiler installation. Try to compile a simple non-Ice program that includes windows.h before you continue with an Ice-application. If you are having problems compiling such a non-Ice application, please contact your Visual C++ support for help.