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Ice + RHEL5 + Python2.5

Is there an easy, out-of-the-box way to get Ice on Redhat Enterprise 5 for python 2.5 or do I have to build it myself? The supplied RHEL5 rpm from this site seems to only include binaries for python2.4 but we'd like to standardize on python 2.5.


  • mes
    mes California
    Hi Tim,

    I'm afraid you'll need to build Ice for Python from source.

    If you're using Ice 3.2, I suggest building both Ice for C++ and Ice for Python from source. For example, build Ice for C++ and install it into ~/Ice-3.2.1. To build Ice for Python, you'll need to set ICE_HOME=~/Ice-3.2.1. You'll also need to set PYTHON_HOME=<python2.5 install dir> if you built Python from source, or you can set PYTHON_VERSION if your Python 2.5 installation resides in the standard location alongside the default version. Have a look at IcePy-3.2.1/config/Make.rules for more information.

    If you're using Ice 3.3b, you can extract the Ice source distribution and build the C++ and Python components.

    In either case, there is no need to keep the Ice for C++ build after you've installed your Python 2.5 version of Ice for Python.

    Hope that helps,