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Ice::UnknownException happend when Pass a std::string parameter in a function

I develop a server using VC++ MFC ,and a client using c#,
I define .ice file below

module UIServerInteract
interface IServerEvent
void NewQuestionAdd(string strQuestion);

    void NewAnswerAdd(int iType, string strAnswer);

    void ExitApp();

    void Test(int itype);
interface BGServer
    bool Login(string strUser,IServerEvent* pSvrEvent);
    void Logout(string strUser);


when I call NewQuestionAdd(string strQuestion) function like
in server ,it throws a Ice::UnknownException, but the string value has been shown in client.
but I call Test(int itype) function , no exception happens.
when call Login(string strUser,IServerEvent* pSvrEvent) funtion in client , no exception happens.

my question is: is there a special string code page when passing the parameter?
how this exception happen?
I've tried 3.4.2, 3.6.3 &3.70b version,3.4.2 does not work properly at all, but last two throws exception.
i am using win7 & vs2015 community.


  • Any one got idea?who can help me?

  • benoit
    benoit Rennes, France


    Sounds like the C++ server isn't sending a valid UTF-8 string to the C# client.

    Where do you get the Ice::UnknownException exception? In the C# client or C++ server? Is it the C++ server which is making the call? The exception has an unknown data member, you should try printing out this data member to see the cause of the exception.

    // C#
    catch(Ice.UnknownException ex)
        System.Console.WriteLine("unknown exception:\n" + ex.unknown);

    In C++, you should use a string converter if you want to use strings encoded with a native encoding with the Ice APIs. The string converter will convert the native string to UTF-8 before sending it.

    See for more information on C++ string converters.


  • I've been busy at other projecct for several days , sorry for that long time.
    my server break to exception.
    I called function in c++ server like this

    if (NULL != m_UISvrPrx)
                string utfstr = AnsiToUtf8(strQuestion);
                m_UISvrPrx->NewQuestionAdd(AnsiToUtf8(strQuestion));//this line will triger exception
            catch (Ice::UnknownException* e)
                _RPT1(_CRT_WARN,"exception happend : %s\n",e->unknown);

    but it always break to exception in below code line:__invoke(__og);

    IceProxy::UIServerInteract::IServerEvent::NewQuestionAdd(const ::std::string& __p_strQuestion, const ::Ice::Context* __ctx)
        ::IceInternal::Outgoing __og(this, __UIServerInteract__IServerEvent__NewQuestionAdd_name, ::Ice::Normal, __ctx);
            ::IceInternal::BasicStream* __os = __og.startWriteParams(::Ice::DefaultFormat);
        catch(const ::Ice::LocalException& __ex)
        __invoke(__og);//this line is the last position exception break to

    it never log to output the exception info.
    I tried to continue the C++ Server and the c# client can view the string pass to it ,and the server always break to exception.

  • benoit
    benoit Rennes, France


    Sorry, but it's still no clear to me what's happening. If I understanding it correct, the NewQuestionAdd is dispatched on the C# client but it raises an exception. Can you provide the type and stack of the exception which has been raised?


  • I've solved the problem. The exception does not caused by Ice.The source is c# client function changes UI control value directly,where it is not allowed in c# winform project called thread cross calling.
    thank you all the same @ Benoit Foucher .