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Ice 3.7.1 Released

mes California
edited April 2018 in Announcements

We are pleased to announce the release of Ice 3.7.1. You can download binary distributions for your favorite platforms or fetch the complete source code from our GitHub repository.

We encourage you to upgrade to this new version if you are using an earlier release of Ice. Please consult the release notes for more information on upgrading your applications to this new release.

Version 3.7.1 includes a new MATLAB language mapping, support for .NET Core 2.0 on Linux and Windows, and several bug fixes as described in the changelog.

Additionally, the Slice API reference will no longer be included in the Ice Manual. Instead, we are now publishing a separate Slice API reference generated using Doxygen, along with new API references for C++11 and C++98.

As always, we value your feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions, please post them here on the forum. Bug reports can be submitted on GitHub.

Best regards,
The ZeroC Staff
