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use ICE proxy in STL map ,error C2440,C2439

I want extend the chat sample in ICE package ,so I define below slice file:
interface RemoteControlable
			int excuteCommand(int cmd);						 
			int excuteCommandWithContent(int cmd,string cmdContent);   
			int putFile(string name,ByteSeq bytes);						 
			ByteSeq readFile(string name, int offset, int num);		 
			void writeFile(string name, int offset, ByteSeq bytes);	 


interface CmnService extends RemoteControlable
			void initiateRemoteControl(RemoteControlable* proxy,string clintId);

I want to use CmnService class in server ,which manage the callback proxy of the client.
So I define a type in my C++ class:
typedef map<string, RemoteControlable*> StringRemoteControlableProxyMap;
void CmnServiceI::initiateRemoteControl(const RemoteControlablePrx& proxy, const ::std::string& str, const ::Ice::Context* c)
	string key(str);
	StringRemoteControlableProxyMap::iterator pos=this->connectedClients.find(key);
		cout<<"RemoteControlablePrx:"<<str<<"has exist."<<endl;

I compile these code in VC++2005,bug it report error:
erro 1 error C2440: “init”: can not convert “IceInternal::ProxyHandle<T> ” to“RemoteControlable *” c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\utility 44
error 2 error C2439: “std::pair<_Ty1,_Ty2>::second”: can not init member c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\utility 44

can give me some help?


  • question solved

    sorry,I found my error and correct!

    ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<... > is a smart pointer!

    typedef map<string,RemoteControlablePrx> StringRemoteControlablePrxMap;
    worked fine!

    Thanks very much!
    ICE is an excellent project!!!