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Can't execute icegridregistry


Currently, I'm testing IceGrid in AWS, but I can't exeucte icegridregistry if I use the external IP address.
Instead, if I use the public DNS which is automatically made by AWS, then it's working.

Is there any reason why icegridregistry can't be launched with AWS external IP?

Thanks in advance and regards,


  • xdm
    xdm La Coruña, Spain

    icegridregistry cannot bind to the public IP address because the address doesn't belong to the machine, AWS route the packages from the public IP to your machine instead.

    In that case you should let icegridregistry to listen on all available addresses.
    IceGrid.Registry.Client.Endpoints=tcp -p 4061

    The servers that you deploy will need to configure published endpoints:

    For example
    <adapter name="Hello" endpoints="tcp -p 10000">
         <object identity="hello" type="::Demo::Hello" property="Identity"/>
    <property name="Hello.PublishedEndpoints" value="tcp -h 174.XX.XX.XX -p 10000"/>

    see also Object Adapter Endpoints - Ice 3.5 - ZeroC