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Problem with IcePack.Registry

I have setup a demo VC7.1 project for IcePack studying ( under ICE 1.5.1 release) and a problem confused me.

The demo consists of three parts: a configuration file for icepackregistry, an ICE server and an ICE client.

The content of config file for icepackregistry as below.
IcePack.Registry.Client.Endpoints = default -p 12000
IcePack.Registry.Server.Endpoints = default
IcePack.Registry.Data = db
IcePack.Registry.DynamicRegistration = 1

The content of config file for Client & Server as below:
Ice.Default.Locator = IcePack/Locator:default -p 12000

#server side
MyAdapter.AdapterId = RC_Adapter
MyAdapter.Endpoints = default

#client side
MyObject = objRC@RC_Adapter

I test my demo in 3 steps:
1. start icepackregistry
icepackregistry --Ice.Config=config

2. start Server
Server.exe --Ice.Config=config

3. start Client
Client.exe --Ice.Config=config

For first time, everything works as expected.
Then I shutdown icepackregistry and Server (by Ctrl+C) and re-test the demo as above. But client report error: :confused:
	client: .\Reference.cpp:712: Ice::NoEndpointException:
	no suitable endpoint available for proxy `objRC -t @ RC_Adapter'

I shutdown icepackregistry and Server, remove all files (generated by icepackregistry) in folder `db' (which specified with IcePack.Registry.Data), and re-test my demo, it works!

The server side code looks like this:
	Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapter("MyAdapter");
	Ice::ObjectPtr object = new RemoteCallI();
	adapter->add(object, Ice::stringToIdentity("objRC"));
The client side code looks like this:
[B]	...
	Ice::ObjectPrx base = communicator()->stringToProxy(properties->getProperty("MyObject"));
	if (!base){
		std::cerr << "Can't create proxy!" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	RemoteCallPrx proxy = RemoteCallPrx::checkedCast(base);
	if (!proxy){
		std::cerr << "It's not a valid RemoteCall proxy!" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	std::cout << proxy->getTime() << std::endl;

Can anybody tell me why and how to fix the problem?