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how to make the registry not to distribute faulty nodes to the client.

I did a test by Ice-3.1.0 .
The IceGrid registry and node1 are running on the host PC1, while IceGrid node2 is running on the host PC2 . In this application, one server has been assigned to each node.

<application name="Conf">

<server-template id="SimpleServer">
<parameter name="index"/>
<server id="SimpleServer-${index}" exe="./conf.exe" activation="on-demand">
<adapter name="Conf" endpoints="tcp" register-process="true">
<object identity="conf-${index}" type="::Demo::Conf"/>
<property name="Identity" value="conf-${index}"/>

<node name="node1">
<server-instance template="SimpleServer" index="1"/>
<node name="node2">
<server-instance template="SimpleServer" index="2"/>


If PC2 is closed, the registry still distribute node2 to the client.
The client throw the exception:
client: E:\Item\ICE\Ice-3.1.0\src\ice\Reference.cpp:1109: Ice::NoEndpointException:
no suitable endpoint available for proxy `conf-2 -t @ SimpleServer-2.Conf'

If I use the following application:
<application name="Conf">

<replica-group id="ReplicatedConfAdapter">
<load-balancing type="round-robin" />
<object identity="conf" type="::Demo::Conf"/>

<server-template id="SimpleServer">
<parameter name="index"/>
<server id="SimpleServer-${index}" exe="./conf" activation="on-demand">
<adapter name="Conf" endpoints="tcp" register-process="true" replica-group="ReplicatedConfAdapter"/>
<property name="Identity" value="conf"/>

<node name="node1">
<server-instance template="SimpleServer" index="1"/>

<node name="node2">
<server-instance template="SimpleServer" index="2"/>

If PC2 is closed,the registry can't distribute any node to the client.
The client throw the exception:
client: E:\Item\ICE\Ice-3.1.0\src\ice\Reference.cpp:1109: Ice::NoEndpointException:
no suitable endpoint available for proxy `conf -t'
I want to know how the registry know the nodes'states and how to make the registry not to distribute fault nodes to the client.



  • benoit
    benoit Rennes, France
    Hi Russule,

    Before we answer your question, could you please set your signature? See this [thread=1697]thread[/thread] for more information on how to set it.

  • benoit
    benoit Rennes, France
    Thanks for setting your signature.

    I believe this is a known IceGrid bug. Please try to apply the patch from this [thread=2493]thread[/thread], this should fix your issue.
