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IceGrid replication


I'm trying to run simple demo with adapter's replication. The problem is registering objects in adapters and name used for accessing objects.
	<application name="CalculatorApplication">

    <replica-group id="CalcReplica">
      <load-balancing type="random" n-replicas="3"/>
      <object identity="Calculator" type="::calc::Calculator"/>

    <server-template id="CalculatorServer">
      <parameter name="index"/>
      <server id="CalculatorServer-${index}" exe="D:/ice/start.cmd" activation="on-demand">

				<adapter id="CalcAdapter${index}" endpoints="default" replica-group="CalcReplica">
					<property name="Identity" value="Calculator"/>

		<node name="Node1">
      <server-instance template="CalculatorServer" index="1"/>
			<server-instance template="CalculatorServer" index="2"/>
			<server-instance template="CalculatorServer" index="3"/>

Is that correct to create adapter with name "CalcAdapter"?
public class CalcService extends Application{

	public int run(String[] args) {
		ObjectAdapter adapter = communicator().createObjectAdapter("CalcAdapter");
		CalcImpl calcImpl = new CalcImpl();
		adapter.add(calcImpl, Util.stringToIdentity("Calculator"));
		return 0;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new CalcService().main("CalculatorServer", args);

As I understood from documentation I can access to object by Calculator@CalcReplica:
public class Client {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	  System.out.println("Starting client");
		Communicator c = Util.initialize(args);
		System.out.println("Requesting proxy");
		ObjectPrx prx = c.stringToProxy("Calculator@CalcReplica");
		System.out.println("Casting to calculator");
		CalculatorPrx calc = CalculatorPrxHelper.checkedCast(prx);
		System.out.println("Printing results:");
		System.out.println("\tversion=" + calc.calcVersion());
		System.out.println("\tsubtr=" + calc.subtrack(1, 2));
		System.out.println("\tsum=" + calc.sum(1.23498723, 32.209823));
		System.out.println("\tmultiply=" + calc.multiply(Math.PI, 3.489));
		System.out.println("\tdivide=" + calc.divide(Math.PI, Math.E));

but I get
D:\ice>java -classpath lib/Ice.jar;out test.Client --Ice.Config=client.cfg
Starting client
Requesting proxy
Casting to calculator
Exception in thread "main" Ice.NoEndpointException
    proxy = "Calculator -t @ CalcReplica"
        at IceInternal.ConnectRequestHandler.getConnection(
        at IceInternal.ConnectRequestHandler.sendRequest(
        at IceInternal.Outgoing.invoke(
        at Ice._ObjectDelM.ice_isA(
        at Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isA(
        at Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isA(
        at calc.CalculatorPrxHelper.checkedCast(
        at test.Client.main(

Any help would be really appreciated!



  • bernard
    bernard Jupiter, FL
    Hi Igor,

    Welcome to our forums!

    Yes, this is a correct way to create an adapter named "CalcAdapter" in your server.

    However, strangely, your descriptor does not include the 'name' attribute (a mandatory attribute) for <adapter>:
    <adapter id="CalcAdapter${index}" endpoints="default" replica-group="CalcReplica" 
             <property name="Identity" value="Calculator"/>

    This should include name="CalcAdapter". Without a name attribute, IceGrid should actually reject your descriptor. Can you double-check?

    Then, assuming the name is correct and match, for your client to work, you want to make sure IceGrid successfully starts your server(s). There is a chance "D:/ice/start.cmd" does not start this server ... I'd suggest to use first an IceGrid node started in a command-prompt (as opposed to a Windows service), to see more easily what's happening.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Bernard!
    It seems you are right. The problem is with server start.
    if start.cmd looks like this:
    java -classpath D:/ice/lib/Ice.jar;D:/ice/out test.CalcService
    server just didn't start.

    if I add server.cfg as config:
    java -classpath D:/ice/lib/Ice.jar;D:/ice/out test.CalcService --Ice.Config=D:/ice/server.cfg
    where server.cfg is
    Ice.Default.Locator=IceGrid/Locator:tcp -p 4061

    the service is being activated some time and then says "activation timed out".

    What's wrong with service or startup script?
  • bernard
    bernard Jupiter, FL
    Hi Igor,

    When you deploy a server with IceGrid, IceGrid generates a configuration file for your server, and when starting this server, the IceGrid node passes --Ice.Config=<path to generated server config file> to the server executable.

    So if you "server executable" does handle well this command-line option, the server won't work. You should not write and use your own server config file with an IceGrid deployment. See Using Deployment.

    Best regards,
  • Bernard,

    The last thing which is unclear for me is how to write server code. I have CalcImpl which extends _CalculatorDisp and expose a couple of simple functions.

    I write server class like this:
    public class CalcService {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    	  Communicator c = Util.initialize(args);
    		ObjectAdapter adapter = c.createObjectAdapter("CalcAdapter");
    		CalcImpl calcImpl = new CalcImpl();
    		adapter.add(calcImpl, Util.stringToIdentity("Calculator"));

    reason = "object adapter `CalcAdapter' requires configuration"

    I have no idea what's wrong.

    BTW If you could provide working demo example that would be great!

    Thank you
  • bernard
    bernard Jupiter, FL
    Hi Igor,

    Your server code looks fine. I suspect the only issue is the <exe> in your descriptor.

    My recommendation is do use directly 'java' like in our demos, for example, from the demoj\IceGrid\simple:
      <application name="Simple">
        <server-template id="SimpleServer">
          <parameter name="index"/>
          <server id="SimpleServer-${index}" exe="java" activation="on-demand">
            <adapter name="Hello" endpoints="tcp">
              <object identity="hello-${index}" type="::Demo::Hello" property="Identity"/>
        <node name="node1">
          <server-instance template="SimpleServer" index="1"/>
          <server-instance template="SimpleServer" index="2"/>
          <server-instance template="SimpleServer" index="3"/>

    You can use <env> in addition to <option> to set your environment, e.g. CLASSPATH. See the "Icebox" example in XML Reference.

    On Windows, as of Ice 3.4.1, these demos are in the file in your Ice installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroC\Ice-3.4.1). You should unzip in a good location, like your Documents folder.

    (We've made them much easier to find in the upcoming 3.4.2 release)

    Best regards,
  • Hi Bernard!
    I managed to get it working! you are right again. Changing to direct call of java with options fixed the problem.
    <server-template id="CalculatorServer">
          <parameter name="index"/>
          <server id="CalculatorServer-${index}" exe="java" activation="on-demand">
    				<adapter id="CalcAdapter${index}" name="CalcAdapter" endpoints="default" replica-group="CalcReplica">
    					<property name="Identity" value="Calculator"/>

    And I also looked into demo example. I didn't specify locator service when start client. That's was the reason of "No endpoint exception".

    Thank you very much!
  • bernard
    bernard Jupiter, FL
    Hi Igor,

    Good to hear you figured it out!

    All the best,