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Icegridnode Java home


I have a service running in Icegrid 3.4.1 on Windows 2003. The Path for the system has been changed to point to a separate (non-system) version of Java and the box rebooted, but the java executable being run is the system version.

System Environment variables

Using ProcessExplorer the environment variables for the icegridnode.exe process are correctly set, but the properties in the log file for the service have java.home => C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6.

Opening a command prompt as the same user and running a main method which dumps the properties from the jvm, has the correct java.home => F:\Aurora\Java\jre

Please could you tell me how to get icegridnode to use a specific non-system java version.

Thanks Nim

<application name="QlibPricingServiceApp">
<server-template id="QlibPricingServer">
<parameter name="index" />
<server id="QlibPricingService-${index}" exe="java" activation="always"
<adapter name="QlibPricingServiceModule" endpoints="tcp" replica-group="QlibPricingServiceAdapter"/>
<property name="Identity" value="QlibPricingServiceModule" />
<property name="Ice.Plugin.MyLogger" value="" />

<replica-group id="QlibPricingServiceAdapter">
<load-balancing type="round-robin" />
<object identity="QlibPricingServiceModule"

<node name="AuroraServicesNode1">
<server-instance template="QlibPricingServer" index="1" />


  • mes
    mes California

    I'm not sure why your server is being executed with the wrong version of Java. Are you running IceGrid as a Windows service?

    IceGrid doesn't take any special action for Java servers. In fact, IceGrid doesn't even know what language a server uses. If you want to eliminate any possibility of using an incorrect JVM, you can modify the executable path in your descriptor as follows:
    <server id="QlibPricingService-${index}"
        exe="F:\Aurora\Java\jre\java" activation="always" ...>

  • Need JRE not JDK java executable

    Hi Mark

    Thank you for replying.

    I had tried

    <server id="QlibPricingService-${index}" exe="F:\Aurora\Java\bin\java" ..

    before but the service didn't start up.

    I've just successfully tried <server id="QlibPricingService-${index}" exe="F:\Aurora\Java\jre\bin\java"

    ie pointing to the jre instead of the jdk java executable.

    Hope this helps someone else.

    Thanks Nim