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IceGrid - service - retrieve log

Hi all! Why myLog.log is empty? But in Node Stdout log is not empty.
  <service name="LocationService1" entry="services.dll:LocationService">
          <adapter name="LocationServiceAdapter" endpoints="tcp -h localhost" replica-group="LocationServiceGroup"/>
          <property name="IceMX.Metrics.Debug.GroupBy" value="operation"/>
          <property name="IceMX.Metrics.Debug.Disabled" value="0"/>
          <property name="IceMX.Metrics.Debug1.GroupBy" value="id"/>
          <property name="IceMX.Metrics.Debug1.Disabled" value="0"/>
          <property name="IceMX.Metrics.ByParent.GroupBy" value="parent"/>
          <property name="IceMX.Metrics.ByParent.Disabled" value="0"/>

	  <log path="myLog.log" property="LogFile"/>

and For example:
  <icebox id="Services" activation="on-demand" exe="iceboxnet.exe">
	<log path="IceBox.log" property="IceBoxLog"/>

What is difference between retrieve Std Out, Std Err and retrieve Log?


  • bernard
    bernard Jupiter, FL
    Hi Victor,

    This log descriptor in your server or service does not in itself make your server or service create the log file or write anything to that file.

     <log path="myLog.log" property="LogFile"/>

    you are telling IceGrid:
    - to generate a property named LogFile with value myLog.log
    - to make available a text (log) file to IceGrid clients such as icegridadmin with the name "LogFile"
    - this LogFile is on the server or service's node at path myLog.log

    Your server or service is then expected to read this property (named LogFile with your configuration) and create this file.
    What is difference between retrieve Std Out, Std Err and retrieve Log?

    When you redirect your server's stdout or stderr using Ice properties (Ice.StdOut, Ice.StdErr, IceGrid.Node.Output), IceGrid knows where the corresponding log files are, and can provide them to IceGrid admin clients such as icegridadmin. "retrieve Log" allows you to do the same with your own application-specific log files.

    These 3 log retrievals are very similar: the IceGrid admin client retrieves and displays a log file--an actual text file stored on disk--through IceGrid.

    Ice 3.6 (currently in beta) provides a new log retrieval mechanism, this time without any intermediary file. The IceGrid admin client can now attach to the Ice Logger in your server or service, and then receives each new log or trace as soon as it's generated. This Ice Logger does not need to be file-based; it can be any logger.

    I hope this is all clearer now!

    Best regards,
  • Thank you very much! Your response help me! Now is all became clear.
