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Slice test fails

The test test/Slice/errorDetection reported: failed!

This was on Suse 8.1 using gcc 3.2.

-Andrew M.


  • Try running "slice2cpp" by hand. What is the output? The expected output is in CaseInsensitive.err.
  • Originally posted by marc
    Try running "slice2cpp" by hand. What is the output? The expected output is in CaseInsensitive.err.

    The output is rather long:

    errorDetection/ redefinition of operation `op' as operation `op'
    errorDetection/ operation `oP' differs only in capitalization from operation `op'
    errorDetection/ redefinition of operation `op' as operation `oP'
    errorDetection/ redefinition of data member `l' as operation `l'
    errorDetection/ operation `L' differs only in capitalization from data member `l'
    errorDetection/ redefinition of data member `l' as operation `L'
    errorDetection/ module `M1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `m1'
    errorDetection/ `M1' has changed meaning
    errorDetection/ redefinition of class `c1' as module
    errorDetection/ module `C1' differs only in capitalization from class name `c1'
    errorDetection/ `C1' has changed meaning
    errorDetection/ redefinition of parameter `aa'
    errorDetection/ parameter `BB' differs only in capitalization from parameter `bb'
    errorDetection/ `BB' has changed meaning
    errorDetection/ operation `I4' differs only in capitalization from enclosing interface name `i4'
    errorDetection/ interface name `i5' cannot be used as operation name
    errorDetection/ operation `op' is already defined as an operation in a base interface or class
    errorDetection/ operation `OP' differs only in capitalization from operation `op', which is defined in a base interface or class
    errorDetection/ operation `l' is already defined as a data member in a base interface or class
    errorDetection/ operation `L' differs only in capitalization from data member `l', which is defined in a base interface or class
    errorDetection/ operation `L' differs only in capitalization from data member `l'
    errorDetection/ redefinition of data member `l' as operation `L'
    errorDetection/ data member `l' is already defined as a data member in a base interface or class
    errorDetection/ data member `L' differs only in capitalization from data member `l', which is defined in a base interface or class
    errorDetection/ data member `l' differs only in capitalization from operation `L'
    errorDetection/ `l' has changed meaning
    errorDetection/ redefinition of exception member `l'
    errorDetection/ exception member `L' differs only in capitalization from exception member `l'
    errorDetection/ `L' has changed meaning
    errorDetection/ exception name `e3' cannot be used as exception member name
    errorDetection/ exception member `E4' differs only in capitalization from enclosing exception name `e4'
    errorDetection/ exception member `l' is already defined in a base exception
    errorDetection/ exception member `L' differs only in capitalization from exception member `l', which is defined in a base exception
    errorDetection/ redefinition of struct member `l'
    errorDetection/ member `L' differs only in capitalization from member `l'
    errorDetection/ `L' has changed meaning
    errorDetection/ struct name `s3' cannot be used as member name
    errorDetection/ struct member `S4' differs only in capitalization from enclosing struct name `s4'
    errorDetection/ sequence `LS' differs only in capitalization from sequence `ls'
    errorDetection/ redefinition of module `m1' as sequence
    errorDetection/ sequence `M1' differs only in capitalization from module `m1'
    errorDetection/ dictionary `D' differs only in capitalization from dictionary `d'
    errorDetection/ redefinition of module `m1' as dictionary
    errorDetection/ dictionary `M1' differs only in capitalization from module `m1'
    errorDetection/ enumeration `eN1' differs only in capitalization from enumeration `en1'
    errorDetection/ `eN1' has changed meaning
    errorDetection/ redefinition of module `m1' as enumeration
    errorDetection/ enumeration `M1' differs only in capitalization from module `m1'
    errorDetection/ `M1' has changed meaning
    errorDetection/ redefinition of enumeration `en1' as enumerator
    errorDetection/ enumerator `EN1' differs only in capitalization from enumeration `en1'
    errorDetection/ redefinition of module `m1' as enumerator
    errorDetection/ enumerator `M1' differs only in capitalization from module `m1'
    errorDetection/ interface name `base' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::Base'
    errorDetection/ redefinition of interface `Derived'
    errorDetection/ exception name `E1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::e1'
    errorDetection/ sequence name `S1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::s1'
    errorDetection/ sequence name `xxx::xx::S1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::s1'
    errorDetection/ sequence name `xxx::XX::s1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::s1'
    errorDetection/ sequence name `xxx::XX::s1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::s1'
    errorDetection/ interface name `derived' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::Derived'
    errorDetection/ parameter `Param' differs only in capitalization from parameter `param'
    errorDetection/ `Param' has changed meaning
    errorDetection/ exception name `E1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::e1'
    errorDetection/ exception name `xxx::xx::E1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::e1'
    errorDetection/ exception name `xxx::XX::e1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::e1'
    errorDetection/ exception name `XXX::xx::e1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::e1'
    errorDetection/ exception name `xxx::xx::E1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::e1'
    errorDetection/ exception name `xxx::XX::e1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::e1'
    errorDetection/ exception name `XXX::xx::e1' is capitalized inconsistently with its previous name: `::xxx::xx::e1'
    errorDetection/ operation name `op12' cannot be used as parameter name
    errorDetection/ parameter `OP13' differs only in capitalization from operation name `op13'
    errorDetection/ ambiguous multiple inheritance: `derived' inherits operations `op' and `OP', which differ only in capitalization, from unrelated base interfaces


  • Can you do a diff between the output and The output looks correct, except that there should be no 'errorDetection/' in the output. Perhaps that's why the diff fails.