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Hello, Marc!,following,I will trouble you with some questions

How do you do,Marc!
I want to write some cods to transfer files.Some days ago,I discoverd ICE.But, It isn't easy,because all documents are in English, I am in chinese,And I did not used ice ago.
Yet , it is very peremptorily.Marc,can you give me a demo about transfering files via ICE.I am very sorry to trouble you!



  • Have a look at the source code for IcePatch -- it shows how to do this.
    Also, have a look at


  • I have already read the thread : ""
    and the document about "ICEPath".
    I found they helped me with less.
  • And.I want to have some sample codes with VC7.01.
  • Well, in outline, you can do something like this:

    sequence<byte> BinaryFile;

    interface FileStore {
    BinaryFile get(string filename);
    void put(string filename, BinaryFile file);

    Then implement that in your server. You'll have to add appropriate exceptions, but that's about the gist of it. This works for files up to Ice.MessageSizeMax in length.


  • Hello,Michi!Thank you!

    sequence<byte> BinaryFile;

    interface FileStore {
    BinaryFile get(string filename);
    void put(string filename, BinaryFile file);

    I have written these code to
    After I ran "slice2cpp",I got files:hello.h,hello.cpp.And I have written "helloI.h" with follow:

    #ifndef HELLO_I_H
    #define HELLO_I_H

    #include <Hello.h>

    class HelloI : public Hello

    virtual ::BinaryFile get(const ::std::string&, const ::Ice::Context&);

    virtual void put(const ::std::string&, const ::BinaryFile&, const ::Ice::Context&);


    I think that I will implement the "get" function and "put" function in "HelloI.cpp".
    In them,I will implement read and wirte a file.what shall i pay attention to.